GK Corporate v2.1.0 - обновление шаблонов Joomla >
Что нового?
- Fixed Joomla! problem with JCaption on some subpages
- Option for showing login/register button was removed - now popups are depends only from the module loaded on the login/regiser position
- Added option to show register button only for unregisered users
- register form as a module (mod_gk_register)
- Added Cufon refresh after changing template style
- Fixed problem with changin logo size
- Typography fixed - now all typography classes starts with "gk_" prefix
- Fixed problem with images and captions in the article content
- Quickstart updated to Joomla! 1.5.17
- Support for NSP GK4
Скачать шаблон для Joomla 1.5
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