JW Player Module Advanced 2.0.1 This is a Player Module Advanced used to show audio and video playlist. Works with Joomla 1.5 Native. The flashplayer is based on JW FLV Media Player 5.0 who was created by longtailvideo.com, JoomlaRuleZ is an official Reseller of JW. Admin Parameters Tab Playlist : * External RSS Link (ASX, ATOM, RSS - iTunes, RSS - Media, SMIL, XSPF, Youtube, Automated Bitrate Switching) * Support Video/Audio Files (FLV, MP3/MPEG, H.264/MP4, JPG, PNG et GIF) Admin Parameters Tab : * Module Class Suffix * Automatic Module Setting Suffix (Multiple Player with different Playlist on same page) * Global : Native Template mootools/Jquery compatible (since upgrade to swfobject 2.2), Add Load Swfobject Automatic, force to yes, force to no. * Global : Display or Not Link to Adobe Flash Installer * Layout : Playlist Position (None, Bottom, Right, Over). * Layout : Control Bar Position (None, Bottom, Top, Right, Over). * Layout : Size Of the Player Configurable. * Layout : Height of the player Configurable. * Layout : Width of the player Configurable. * Layout : Transparence of the Playlist (Transparent / Opaque). * Color : Background color Configurable. * Color : Frontcolor Configurable. * Color : Lighcolor Configurable. * Color : Screencolor Configurable. * Behaviour : Auto Start (Choose Automatically start the player on load). * Behaviour : Buffer Length (Number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before starting.). * Behaviour : Repeat (None / List / Always / Single). * Behaviour : Shuffle (Shuffle playback of playlist items). * Behaviour : Volume (Startup volume of the player). * Behaviour : Icons (Hide or not the play button) * Behaviour : Smoothing (Setting to get performance improvements with old computers / big files) * Behaviour : Stretching (Defines how to resize images in the display) * Plugin : AdTailSolution (LongTail's AdSolution allows you to run pre-roll, overlay mid-roll, and post-roll advertisements in your media player). Code : * License-holders can download an unbranded player with their Licence number and replace themself the player in the directory of JW Player Advanced Module. This version is called advanced because it's have more functionality : Admin Parameters Tab Playlist : * RSS Link/Single file o + Add Dynamic Playlist Item Start according to specific Content ID : Assign One Article/Section/Category to an Specific Start-Item in a playlist generate By an XML link. * Playlist Editor, 1 to 5 items for the Playlist Editor, including settings for each one. : o Author (Author of the video, shown in the display or playlist.) o Assign One or more Article/Section/Category to an Specific Start-Item. o Captions. o Title (Title of the video, shown in the display or playlist.) o Image (location of a preview image; shown in display and playlist.) o Tags (Keywords associated with the media file.) o RTMP/HTTP Server (Location of an rtmp/http server instance to use for streaming. Can be an RTMP application or external PHP/ASP file. More info here.) o Start (Position in seconds where playback has to start. Won't work for regular (progressive) videos, but only for streaming (HTTP / RTMP).) o Description (Text description of the file.) o Link (Url to an external page the display, controlbar and playlist can link to.) o Duration (Duration of the file in seconds.) o Type (This is determines what type of mediafile this item is, and thus which model the player should use for playback. By default, the type is detected by the player based upon the file extension. If there's no suiteable extension or the player detects the type wrong, it can be manually set. * Auto Generate Playlist, Scan files (FLV, MP3/MPEG, H.264/MP4, JPG, PNG et GIF) in a directory and generate a playlist : o Sort by date, alphabetical, random. o Assign automaticly thumbnail file (jpg, png, gif) with audio/video file (flv, mp3, mp4, m3u) associate (same name). o Assign defaut thumbnail (or not) with file with no thumbnail associate. o Assign duration for image file, useful for a playlist with a lot of picture alone like gallery. o Occurence filters for analyse name file for generate track number, title, description and author. o Assign One Article/Section/Category to an Specific Start-Item. o Automatic Captions(caption file must be ahve same name of the stream file). Admin Parameters : * RTMP General settings : Prepend, Load Balance, Subscribe. * Behaviour : Bandwidth, available bandwidth for streaming the file. * Behaviour : Resizing (Resize or not to fill the entire canvas). * Behaviour : displayclick (What to do when one clicks the display. Can be play, link, fullscreen, none, mute, next. When set to none, the handcursor is also not shown), Note : JW 5.x Version, deprecated. * Behaviour : displaytitle (Print the title of a video in the display, note this is new and for now this only work with skin disable), Note : JW 5.x Version, Currently not implemented. * Behaviour : Link Target (Browserframe where link from the display are opened in. Some possibilities are '_self' (same frame) or '_blank' (new browserwindow)). * Layout : Dock (Set this to true to show the dock with large buttons in the top right of the player.) * Layout : Logo (Location of an external jpg, png or gif image to show in a corner of the display.). JW 5.x Licensed players only, * Layout : Logo.link, JW 5.x Licensed players only, link to direct to when the watermark image is clicked on. * Layout : Logo.hide, JW 5.x Licensed players only, When set to yes, the logo will auto-hide. * Layout : Logo.position, JW 5.x Licensed players only, The corner in which to display the logo. * Skin : 28 SWF Skin Support. * Skin : XML skin support, only with JW 5.x., XML-based skinning model - No need for Flash CS4 to build skins. If you can create an XML file and images, then you can create a skin. * Skin : Add automaticly sort in the Skin selection list you own skin upload in the skin directory. * Pop-Up Player : You can activate or not a Pop-Up Player, it will appear under the player of the user, by a text or an image or both or replace the player, Pop Up Player have a lot of new control : o Size, height, width configurable. o Image, Text or both link. o Overide Player with image, Text or both link o Highslide Effect. (a Highslide plugin must be install, we valid this with Core Design Scriptegrator plugin from Joomla on the JED) o JWBox (Lightbox) Effect. o Autedetect or not Jquery load for JWBox. o Load CSS or not for JWBox. * Plugin : AdTailSolution Premium Ads (The Premium ads is only required for publishers who are interested in running premium ad tags from partners like Google and ScanScout.). * Plugin : Viral 2 (A video distribution plugin, supports four main functions: embed, link, Infos, and recommendations. It unobtrusively allows the user to share the video they are watching and see recommended videos from the publisher. (More powerful than the plugin Sharing)). * Plugin : RateIt (This plugin from RateItAll allows people to rate your videos within the body of the player.). * Plugin : TipJar (This Plugin allows you to receive donations on your Paypal account.). * Plugin : Google Analytics Pro (The Google Analytics plugin for the JW Player is designed to help you understand how well your video content is performing online.). * Plugin : HD, This plugin implements an HD quality toggle in the controlbar. An icon is shown to do the toggle, and the value is saved as a cookie. This plugin only works for single files. * Plugin : Sharing, This plugin adds sharing functionalities to the player. Either through the dock or through the controlbar, the plugin offers links to two screens: o In the embed screen, an embed code for the specific video can be copy-pasted. o In the share screen, a link to thesite for this specific video can be copy-pasted. This screen also offers shortcuts for posting this link to: Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, An email message * Plugin : Captions, This plugin displays closed captions on top of the video. These captions can come from an external file (in Timedtext or Subrip format) or as metadata from the video itself (as MPEG-4 Timedtext or Captionate events). The plugin will place a button in the controlbar. the plugin will place the button in the dock (if dock=Yes is set). * Plugin : Revolt This plugin displays some cool visualizations for audio file playback. (Be careful it will display a black screen if the file stream is not an audio file !!). * Plugin : Flow, The Flow plugin provides a slick, 3D animation for users to flip through your playlist items. The plugin automatically grabs thumbnail images from any playlist and renders them three-dimensionally in a row. Users can navigate through the playlist by clicking on a thumbnail image or using the left/right arrow keys and space bar to select items. ) * Plugin : Facebook It, The Facebook It plugin allows your users to post your videos on the Facebook social network. It's a great way to have users share your videos online and broaden their distribution. The user just clicks on the Facebook icon in the dock, clicks Post, and then logs into their Facebook account. If the user doesn't have an account, then they can easily create one. * Plugin : Multiple plugin on same player (Viral, Vote-it, Tipjar, Adsolution, Google Analytics Pro, HD, Flow, Sharing, Captions, Facebook It). * Cache Parameters * Tag/Keywords support (Playlist Editor) * RTMP/HTTP Streamer support (Playlist Editor) * Start RTMP/HTTP (Playlist Editor) By the way our subscribers have access to more documentation and the forum support. Changelog 2.0.1 : $ Description help for item 5 in playlist editor doesn't appear correctly. # Fix issue code with sharing embed plugin. # Fix issue code with viral embed plugin. # Fix issue code with assign ID. # HTML Errors. ^ Field RSS Link only work with real playlist field no more with single file, for single file use playlist editor. ^ HD Plugin file field move under field of first file of playlist editor. ************DESIGN4free.org hero**********************