TPLancer is a Project / Freelance Bid MarketPlace Component for Joomla, developed by TemplatePlazza TP Lancers will allow you to auction work from buyers. Signed up freelancers will be able to bid for work from the buyers. The buyers can use TPLancers to set a budget as well as setting the project type and further details. With this component, you can make your own Project MarketPlace website such as,, with ... Joomla Features * Private Message * Project Forum * Upload Avatar * User Review and Rate * Escort & Withdrawal * Special User/Project * and many more. Version 1.2 Changelog Changelog in version 1.2 * Fixed Signup bonuses bug, signup as a freelancer balance stays 0 or says "no transaction" * Fixed Post a project bug, shows all the time but it only works when you are registered as a buyer and logged in as a buyer. So if you are just on regular Joomla or if you're registered as a freelancer you will get that ugly 404 page saying component not found * Fixed Add Message button on project forum, it doesn't show up in v 1.1 * Fixed Deny the project bug, Deny the auction does not work when the freelancer click on the "Deny" * Fixed misterious buyer balance loosing bug when freelance won the poject * Fixed withdrawal request bug, when the applicant comes back with the button of the browser, the variables are not deleted and the applicant may make as many calls he wants to withdraw * Fixed Description text without format when admin tries to edit an auction' description from backend * Fixed Registering as Freelancer bug, unsorted list of categories (not sorted in table format) * Fixed Fee setting for Escrow, Transfer Fund and Withdrawal * Fixed a lot of content typos in the frontend * Fixed special status, freelance now able to purchase special status from frontend * Fixed Processing fee bug on Escrow, both of Buyer and Freelancer will be charged * Fixed Processing fee bug on TransferFund, only sender (Buyer or Freelancer) will be charged * Added email alert to the buyer when a freelancer retract his bid * Added email alert to admin when some one ask for withdrawal * Added email alert to buyer when freelance deny the project * Added email alert to freelancer when buyer sent escrow to him * Added 'release' link in the buyer escrow list page, to release the project fee when freelancer finished his/her job * Added javascript on the fly calculation for total fee at Escrow and Transfer Fund page user will know how the real value how much with processing fee included * Added Buyer special Status in the Project detail page BACKEND * Added Escrow List page for admin mediation pourpose when resolving a dispute , with ability to transfer money to freelancer or give them back to buyer * Added "Make a Paypal Payment" button in the withdraw Request page ( + paypal email info) so now, manual paypal payment now is no longer needed * Added automatic approval or no setting for special status purchasing * Added 4 New Profit details in the profit report page, Profit from Project Fee (Escrow), Profit from Transfer fund (send money), Profit from Featured Project and Profit from Special Status * Added new options for Project Fee (escrow fee ) and Send Money (Transfer Fund) fee, Auto up the bill or Cut from current value * Updated Configuration tab, typo and description item for more effective looking DB Updates * Added new table #__tplancers_profit * Added amount_rec at table #__tplancers_escrow * Added buy_special_status at #__tplancers_lancer * Added buy_special_status at #__tplancers_buyer