The Refraction Joomla 1.5 template has been updated with some bug fixes for IE6 and IE7 as well as background color tweaks, module updates, and an added feature to toggle fixed or scrolling background images. Joomla 1.5 Version: 1.5.1 Low impact XSS vulnerability patch Color adjustments for styles 5 and 6 RokBox close button fix Various IE6 and IE7 tweaks Added fixed background option Fixes for RokTwittie caching and other warnings and issues Changed Files (template) - Located in the /templates/rt_refraction_j15 directory upon installation: /css/template.css /css/styles.css /css/template_ie6.css /css/template_ie7.css /index.php /params.ini /params.ini /rt_head_includes.php /styleswitcher.php /styleloader.php /elements/colorchooser.php /templateDetails.xml There is also an update to the admin language file included in the above list. If you have already installed the template, you can update the "en-GB.tpl_rt_refraction_j15.ini" file by going to the /administrator/language/en-GB directory of your joomla installation and replacing the existing file with the one from the latest template release located in /templates/rt_refraction_j15/admin. Extensions Updates RokNewsPager - version 0.5 The RokNewsPager has been updated to include cache fixes. If you have already installed this module or used the previous RocketLauncher package, you can update this manually by updating the following file using the latest extensions package or RocketLauncher package: Changed Files (RokNewsPager module) - located in the /modules/mod_roknewspager directory of your Joomla installation if already installed: /mod_roknewspager.php /mod_roknewspager.xml RokTwittie - version 0.2 The RokTwittie module has been updated to fix cache issues as well as warnings and errors when multiple instances of the module is used. If you have already installed this plugin or used the previous RocketLauncher package, you can update this manually by updating the following file using the latest extensions package or RocketLauncher package: Changed Files (RokTwittie module) - located in the /modules/mod_roktwittie/ directory of your Joomla installation if already installed: /css/roktwittie.css /helper.php /js/roktwittie.js /mod_roktwittie.php /mod_roktwittie.xml /roktwittie.class.php