1.2.0 + Activity stream added when changing profile picture 1.1.143 03/02/2009 ^ When user tries to add a friend that has already requested a connection with a user, system should display proper message. ^ Default point for the first block of the karma should be < 50 instead of < 20. ^ Number of tags for JomSocial Network is limited to 10. ^ Issues with Imagick and PHP4 is resolved. ^ Fix missing activities header in blueface template ^ Change blueface status text display + Add missing edit details in blackout template toolbar + Add maintenance to fix photo's privacy. To access the maintenance page, access index.php?option=com_community&view=maintenance + Add acitivities time format into default.ini. The library will load the time format from this file. + Add table index into for 'field_id' and 'user_id' in table '#__community_fields_values'. + Change email template text from 'You are now friend with {actor}' to 'You are now friends with {actor}'; + Escape special characters in group / discussion / bulletin name in sef mode url. + Added css override + Validate password field to not allow less than 6 characters in edit details. + Author link added link to alias/author option 1.1.139 - 2/20/2009 + New icon for notifications + New option in the back end to specify Imagick's library. + New layout for backend configuration. + Added new blackout template + Added user reporting feature + Added user points feature + Added AJAX filtering for frontpage and activities + Added group invitations + Added ImageMagick support + Added template overriding feature. + Added new group triggers. + Added text limit and support for older versions of Jom Comment. + Added character limit support for both My Blog and My Articles. + Added new option in the back end to display number of members for frontpage. + Added tooltips for each custom fields. + Show profile header added for those restricted profile so that people still can add them as friend. + Added new notification tab for new messages and new friend request. + Fixed posted_on field not updated when user update thier status in profile page. + Added members count for frontpage + Allow profile groups to be moved up or down. + Add member if member is not in group when group administration is changed. + Added additional checking if photos folder is not created, it should automatically create them. + Fixed time format issue. + Fixed timestamp issue for popup message compose window. + Fixed date field validation. ^ JomSocial Network configurations are moved into the configuration section. ^ Unique form name is used for registrations to avoid naming conflicts. ^ Several layout issues with IE6 is resolved. ^ Custom profile date support range is fixed. ^ Most javascripts are moved into an object allowing easy and more organized access. ^ Moderate group creation by default is disabled when installing on a clean installation. ^ Fix broken group discussion list on default template. ^ Fixed wrong used of quotes in database for apps. ^ Fixed activity timezone differences between today and yesterday. ^ Fixed inbox issue. ^ Fixed email validation to support .info domain. ^ Fixed several jQuery issue with the value contain double quote. ^ Fix issue when group is modified from the back end. ^ Fixed group bulletins showing error if user click on view all buletins link. ^ Use PHP to test image validity instead of testing the file's name. ^ IP address are properly passed for the walls. ^ URLs for group bulletins , discussions are properly SEF'ed. ^ Additional checking is perform if hosting still uses PHP4 for Twitter. # Improve the singular/plural translation 1.0.129 - 1/14/2009 # Optimize image gallery loading. Loading indicator will show properly and loader will wait for the image to completely load before showing it. + Fixed cronjobs runned from cronjob.php not providing the correct headers. [cronjob.php] 1.0.128 - 1/13/2009 + Add new translations into language file + Support more type cache handler with joomla default caching in. (My Blog and Walls module) + Logged in members now uses notice.member.access.php file in the template if viewing unauthorized page. + Added new language files for modules and applications. ( Will require update on the modules ) + Add new member in group members table when administration is changed and update the count correctly. + Added application privacy + Add forgot password and forgot username links + Add code to check if the 'Remember me' plugin enabled. It will display the remember me plugin if enabled. ^ Additional checks are made when improper date value are used. ^ Issue that prevents user from posting in group walls has been resolved. ^ Core applications returning permission error has been fixed. ^ PNG with improper alpha blending is fixed. ^ Fixed multiple select having a very long height. ^ All message will be remove when user delete a conversation at inbox or sent page. ^ Now user can send message to one user at a time. ^ Fix user profile status save correctly even if the status string is empty. ^ Added new text translation for registration page. ^ Fix new messages ordering. Latest message will show up first. ^ Use unique element id in registration page to avoid id conflicts. ^ Fix the inbox messages mark / unmark features. ^ Fixed activity stream when activity is longer than 1 week - Remove frontpage.guests.php in blueface and bubble template since they are all same 1.0.127 - 12/05/2008 + Add new cronjob.php file so that it can be parsed to PHP via Command line. [ Need to configure your site in that file] ^ Fix applications not formatting wall comments correctly in PHP4. ^ Most strings are moved into the language file template. ^ Issues with black background are fixed. ^ Links in email are displayed correctly now for sites that sits on the subfolder. ^ Fix issue with sending message that has quotes. ^ The time in the inbox and sent displays the correct time now. 1.0.126 - 12/03/2008 + Email notification is added when a user adds a friend and when approving a friend request. ^ Existing menu structure will be automatically updated when performing an upgrade / reinstall. ^ When viewing other profile, status now displays correctly in blueface and bubble template. ^ If date is not entered for the field, field should not display date but empty value instead. ^ Thumbnails for photos now uses the absolute path. ^ Use configured sitename for the title and body of invitation mails. ^ Fix photo rendering issue with Safari browsers. ^ Issues with bulletin subject not showing up in notifications is fixed. ^ Date and time not appearing in inbox is fixed. 1.0.125 - 12/01/2008 + Added email cloaking when email address are populated in the custom fields. ^ Site super administrator should be able to delete / remove walls ^ Ajax removal function now checks the authority to delete the walls ^ Fix image resize transparency issues. Previously, black background become transparent. - remove the word 'circle' in and "expand your network circle" in template file 1.0.124 - 11/27/2008 + Test uploaded image type explicitly, instead of depending on the uploader + Fix image resizing error in photo gallery display. + Fix php4 compatibility in profie search function + Add proper CRoute to the submenu's. + Url / emails string now automatic converted to external link. + String that represent phone number will be non-searchable. + An asterisk (*) will be shown beside the field name for the required fields during profile editing. + Added checking for all the required fields. + Removed hardcoded text in registration form, use language file instead. + Send notification emails when write new message / reply a message. ^ Ajax window popup for Opera 9.5 and above is fixed. ^ Fixed editing a checkbox type for field in the back end not displaying options. ^ Photo resize will resize correctly without creating a black image beneath it. ^ Fixed issues with removing a wall in the photos. ^ Short open tags are removed from the template. ^ Default custom fields are only added if no custom fields already exists. ^ Album listing are listed correctly now. ^ Fixed errors with PHP4 that causes the write message and popup to fail. ^ Group discussion and bulletin should show proper notice when group is being moderated. - Email and website for group details are removed 1.0.123 - 11/25/2008 + Added the ability to delete discussion for group creators and super administrators. + Added option to delete bulletins for group creators and super administrators. - remove ajax test code, referring to j15Dev.com ^ Scrollbar is added in the popup when the text in the terms & conditions is too long. ^ Shorten the activity date before being archived 1.0.122 - 11/24/2008 + Optimized database tables for groups. + Added public changelogs. ^ Added core application parameter for Jom Comment. ^ Links in module has been fixed to contain correct Itemid. ^ Changes all link in module and ohoto gallery link in the profile page to have itemid. ^ Fixed Friend invite where it only process the first email address in the list. ^ Display proper error message for invalid emails. ^ Time in activity stream is fixed to display the correct time. Time will be displayed based on the timezone configured in Joomla. ^ Fixed div id conflict between activity stream in profile page with activities stream module. 1.0.121 - 11/21/2008